The studio
In 1979, just after graduating in architecture and civil engineering, Daniel Dethier was an independent architect and assistant to Professor Englebert’s Chair of Composition. His double vocation of researcher (continuing with his studies in town planning) and practitioner immediately, characterised the procedure that he continues to pursue by currently exercising a mandate at the free University of Brussel.
In 1992 he founded Dethier Architecture. The company employs between 5 and 10 people who make up a team with a range of complementary skills, regularly supplemented by exterior collaborators in wider areas linked with architecture (artists, engineers, scientists ...), both in Belgium and abroad.
The methodology of the consultancy has been refined with our experience and, before any design work takes place, it refers to the analysis of the request, the programme with the client and the various people involve, who are always able to make inputs to the work at regular meetings.
Selected clients
Several private clients
Malta's embassy in Brussels
Centre for Group Dynamics and Institutional Analysis (CDGAI)
University Hospital Centre of Liège
French-speaking Community of Belgium
Communes of Welkenraedt, Nassogne, Saint-Hubert
EVS Broadcast Equipment
The Federation Wallonia-Brussels (FBW)
Galler Chocolatier
Eau d’Heure lakes
Landesforten Rheinland-Pfalz
Ministry of the French Community in Belgium
Ministry of the Wallonia Region
Grand Curtius Museum
Société Wallonne du Logement
University of Liège (Ulg)
Val Saint Lambert
City of Liège
Awards & Prizes
- Urban Intervention Awards Berlin, First prize in the Category Built for the Lecture Halls for the Université de Liège.
- City of Liege awards for urban planning, in the category Accessibility.
- Belgian Energy and Environment Awards 2011, Pre-selection for the Center of Exellence in revalidation of Esneux.
- Benelux hot-dip galvanising awards, nomination for the Footbridge of the Plate-Taille Beach, Eau d’Heure lakes.
- Wallonia Grand prix d’Architecture. Nomination for Pouplin substation, Liège.
- Belgian Energy and Environment Awards, Eco-Building award category.
- Belgian Architecture awards, nomination for Saint-Hubert wooden lodge, Belgium.
- Belgian Architecture awards, nomination for Pouplin sub-station, Liège.
- City of Liege awards for urban planning, nomination in the non-residential category for Pouplin sub-station, Liège.
- Steel construction awards, honorable mention award for Millenium tower, Gedinne, Belgium.
- Steel construction award for Denis-Ortmans house, Jehanster, Belgium.
- City of Liege awards for urban planning of the best construction of a non-residential building for SPI+ building.
Public’s prize and special jury’s prize of the best reconversion of an old building, for Restoration of the Curtius and Brahy residences (part of the Grand Curtius Museum group).
- Euro Belgian Architectural Award for Denis-Ortmans house, Jehanster, Belgium. Emerging Architecture and Case Study, The Architectural Review category.
- Benelux hot-dip galvanising awards, nomination for Denis-Ortmans house, Jehanster, Belgium.
- Selected in the « Compendium of Good Practice » of the IALD (International Association Lighting Design, Chicago, USA) for the Montagne de Bueren urban renovation, Liege.
- AR+D awards for emerging architecture, Highly Commended for the Denis-Ortmans, Jehanster, Belgium.
- City of Liege awards for urban planning, public’s prize for Former Ursulines Convent rehabilitation.
- Euro-Belgian Architectural Awards : first special mention for Dethier-Deminty house, Ovifat, Belgium.
- « Tu bâtis, je rénove » architectural contest, first prize category rénovation, for the transformation of an old barn door in accommodation.
- 24th International Architecture Award of the National Housing Institute, distinction for the Bisshop house, Küchelberg, Bütgenbach.
Exhibitions & Talks
- Hosomi : the MecaTech cluster, "Salon Best", at Halles des Foires in Liège, 17th of October.
- Conference courses "Art and Architecture" with Jean Glibert and Pierre Henrion, in the context of Collège Belgique, at the Royal Academy of Sciences, Letters and Fine Arts of Belgium, 26th of september.
- Droixhe : lecture at the Federal Polytechnic School (EPFL) of Lausanne in Switzerland, 24th of June.
- Hosomi : lecture at the Wallonia Architecture Biennale in Namur, 29th of October.
- Koblenz : press conference on the future belvedere and exhibit hall, Koblenz, 20th of January.
- Sourbrodt station. From Architecture to Urban Planning, 20th anniversary symposium of SORASI, Château du Val. St Lambert, 12th of November.
- The advantages of modular construction, TechniPIERRE, Halles des Foires in Liège, 11th of April.
- The rehabilitation of Château du Val Saint-Lambert, Salon Bois & Habitat, Palais des expositions at Namur, 14th of March.
- Presentation of the study on the prospects for the development of the Esplanade des Guillemins within the neighbourhood project, management boards of UWEL, La maison de Pierres, Louveigné, 3rd of September.
- Dialogue about wood architecture, chairman, Salon Bois & Habitat, Palais des expositions at Namur, 24th of March.
- The access for all to eco-biological housing, lecture at the symposium of Eco-Bio-construction, Moulins de Beez in Namur, 25th of November.
- The prejudices of the general public, Lecture at the MARG(IN) festival, Petit Théâtre Marcelis, Brussels, 26th of June.
- Wood architecture : selected examples, lecture at Salon Bois & Habitat, Palais des expositions at Namur, 18th of March.
- The windows frames in protected monuments, reflection day organised by the Economic and Social Council of the Walloon Region (CESRW), Vertbois, Liège, 6th of May.
- The extern communication out-of-media, participation in competitions with Norbert Nelles (Director of ISA Saint-Luc Liège), post-training programme : the marketing of an architecture or design office, organised by the Instituts Supérieurs Saint-Luc of Liège and the GAR (Groupe d'Ateliers de Recherche), at ISA Saint-Luc, Liège, 29th of March.
- Lectures about the use of aluminium in the built heritage, organised by Aluminium Center Wallonie asbl, Mons Polytechnic University, 26th of March.
- Wood construction : questions to contractors in the context of meetings between professionals, organised by Promotion du bois et des dérivés asbl, Maison de la Métallurgie, Liège, 20th of February.
- The european calls for applications, Mons, 26th of november.
- The use of wood for civil engineering structures, particular achievements in wood, some realisations of Dethier Architecture, 258th lecture of CERES at Université du Sart-Tilman, Liège, 29th of April.
- The use of stone for buildings of averages and great importance, personal experiences, TechniPIERRE, Halles des Foires in Liège, 11th of april.
- Evolution of the use of wood in the construction, Salon Bois & Habitat, Palais des expositions at Namur, 22th of March.
- New materials applications in the buildings, Lectures halls for the Université de Liège, Sart-Tilman, 30th of November.
- Project manager-Client : a necessary complicity, ISA Saint-Luc, Brussels, 23th of January.
- The future of single-family housing, Eurégio week in Liège, 30th of November.
- The rescue and consolidation methods specific theory, course provided at Centre de Perfectionnement aux Métiers du Patrimoine à la Paix-Dieu, Amay, 23th of November.
- TechniPIERRE, Halles des Foires in Liège, 13th of April.
- Architectonic proceedings, ISA Saint-Luc, Brussels, 23th of January.
- Conception and Construction "wood", UCL (Catholic University of Louvain-la-Neuve), 5th of November.
- Dethier & Associés s.a. Bureau d’Etudes, KUL (Katoliek Universiteit van Leuven), 25th of February.
- 10ans du Patrimoine, Gembloux, 20th of February.